Still, it's weird how other people can affect our whole image of ourselves. I was reading fmylife.com the other day and someone was saying how they never knew their thighs were not supposed to touch, and that their thighs have always touched. I hate that. I hate it when you watch tv shows or you hear someone complaining about something on their bodies or something and you think, does mine do that too? Does this make me unattractive?
Things I like that some people think are unattractive or unfavorable are:
-Gaps in teeth, especially in women. I think that can be really adorable.
-Strange noses. Noses with character.
-Bushy eyebrows. If you can pull off bushy eyebrows or a unibrow, kudos to you. I think that's really awesome.
-Body hair on females. Especially armpit hair. It just seems really empowered.
-Pale pale skin.
-Brown eyes. Everyone obsesses over blue eyes but I think brown eyes are the sweetest.
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