

Going to Rhode Island to visit my grandma (June 23 to July 2) for a delicious food and art making filled trip. I'm a little nervous because it will be my first time riding an airplane by myself and I have to get off of one airplane and onto another and my stomach is already getting really anxious about it. But I also think it's kind of exciting and I know I'll be able to figure it out. 
And I also just found out I'm going to be able to teach at fiddle camp at the academy of music this year. I was feeling really down about it because with moving and everything I was sure I wasn't gonna have time but I'm doing it this year no matter what! I need motivation to pick up a violin again anyways. Emily was so kind to let me borrow hers and Ian is currently borrowing my broken one. I love sharing.
So for now all is ok in this world. I'm really glad I'm going to be able to get away. I want to also start planning (officially, not loosely!) trips to New York to see Ben and also a train ride to D.C. with Seychelle. It kind of sucks because I have to work a lot to save up for Richmond but I feel like this summer is so full of opportunity that I need to take advantage of.

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