

It was a really long dream but sadly I only remember the latter half of it. Basically we were at this airport and there were all of these cats everywhere and we were trying to save them so we had these blankets and were covering millions of cats in our laps. They were really cute and were lying all spread out over our thighs and stomachs and I was doing a really good job of pretending not to care that I was getting all scratched up. It hurt, even in my dream.
Then you started telling me about this cat that lived in this old house that was really ugly, he was a horrible pinkish orange color and he was HUGE and he liked to eat all the other cats and sometimes people and I could see it in my head really clearly and then all of a sudden he was there all tangled in my legs and I was crushing it and it was mostly a carcass anyways so it was really easy to kill but it was still really scary but you were impressed.
Then we were at my old house and my mom and I were in the coat closet and I had this old photograph of an orchestra and everyone looked the same and it was in pieces and I was trying to match the pieces up. And she wanted me to write a letter to Angelina Jolie but I kept spelling her name wrong. And she wanted me to fill a plate full of chocolate that we had in the closet but every time I would get some to put on the plate I would just eat it and I felt really sick but I couldn't stop. And everyone was playing baseball in the living room and I went over there with my little plate of chocolate and you came over and picked me up and said, "this is my lady and I love her and she's the only lady for me." Than you carried me over to the closet and basically never mindddd those chocolates and that orchestra.
I don't understand, but it was interesting nonetheless.

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