Your indecision is killing me, or perhaps you just don't care, which is more likely. You've got my heart in your hand as usual. Perilous. Funny how it always ends up there sooner or later.
If nothing compares, why would you want anything else?
I've been feeling kind of antisocial lately. I feel like everyone wants a piece of me and they're all pulling me in a million directions. It's my downfall to find this stressful as opposed to flattering. I'm thinking midweek I'll probably start feeling a little more social, so hang in there guys.
Only want to spend my days with one person right now, lolling about, eating mexican food as we please and watching movies. You would kiss my forehead. I can find the place on your shoulder that is the only place I sleep well these days. We would be happy. I just want to make you happy because that makes me happy. I'm all you need.
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